How did God execute His grace without overlooking His attributes?

How did God execute His grace without overlooking His attributes?

God is holy, merciful, loving and a judge. All these attributes have to be fulfilled while reconciling with fallen man. He will not overlook man’s false ego and sins just because He loves the man.

Let us take a real-life situation. There was a judge in the town and he had two sons. The youngest son got into some illegal activity by mistake and the police caught him. When the police produced the son before the judge what would be the reaction of the father as a judge?

Certainly, the father will not tell the police that it is his son and just free him. The judge will execute justice and punish him according to the law even if he was his favorite son. Now if that son does not have money to pay the penalty, then you can expect the judge sending his eldest son to pay the penalty on the court. This is because the judge respects the law above everything and also loves his son.

If a human Judge takes care to execute justice in such difficult situation how difficult it would be for God to compromise with man’s sin? It is impossible for God to compromise.

In the above story, the Judge cannot become the saviour for his son as he is holding the office as a Judge. So he sent his eldest son to pay the penalty.

Now let us see God’s situation. 

Lucifer and his associates (satan and his demons) were thrown out of heaven because they challenged God. If you read about Lucifer and his fall, you will see that it was a willful challenge to God. Perhaps, this is why God did not give Satan a chance to repent. He would have never repented either. Concerning man, satan cleverly made his way to man, made man to fall into Satan’s sweet talk and disobey God. So man sinned by hearing satan’s words and it was a crime committed under a circumstance and not a willful act as Satan had done. Now Satan is standing like the policeman in God’s court and asking for justice to be carried out against man. But God is a righteous judge saw man’s sin as a crime committed because of temptation brought by Satan, gave chance to repent and be reconciled with God. God loved the man. He remembered man’s plight after he sinned. For this reason, God had to send his son Jesus Christ as a Saviour to pay the price of man’s sin. The whole mission of Jesus Christ was to settle the debt of man and reconcile man with God. When we hear the word “Son”, immediately we think of God as a married person etc. Son means image. When we get married and produce children what we are doing is producing our image for a future generation. We have heard “Chip of the old block” which means the son has genetic characteristics of the father. God is holy and just.

He has declared that there is no remission of sin without the shedding of blood. So without overlooking His attributes and conditions, God made a plan to redeem the world. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). God sent his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for the redemption of man. He was buried and on the third day, God raised him from the grave. Through his resurrection death was defeated. “For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous(Romans 5:19).