Where is God in the pandemic time?


We believe Creator or Almighty God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and Benevolent. We believe God created everything, including man. When we face some difficult situation in life, it is but natural to think why obstacles and suffering come our way. These are questions may not have an immediate answer and it requires a fairly longer time to understand. Often, the sufferings help us search for alternate and better ways.

Based on the attributes described about God earlier, we expect an instant answer to our problems. We all have faith that God can solve our problems instantly, if He wills. However, God guides man to solve the problems through intuitions revealed to him.

A better way to solve problems:

As a teacher and a father, I guide my students and my daughters to solve their problems by themselves. I only help them analyze the problem and find an answer by themselves. Many times, I could give an answer immediately, but I help them find an answer with my guidance. The reason I do this method is to train my students and daughters to teach them they can understand and solve problems. This will make them problem solvers in the future. I do this way because I love them.

God works in the same way. God wants man to know that man is made in God’s image and man can solve any problems with the directions shown to him. This way, man’s effort also is required and gives man a purpose. God wants man to enjoy his creative work, guided by God. Perhaps he does this way to show that He loves man and showed His love: “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5: 8). God has been guiding man through intuitions, and man had made amazing progress. Science and technology were only a tool to realize the intuition.

God is present in our situations and guides us:
In this pandemic, the loving God through intuition shows simple home remedies to home makers and sophisticated vaccine making procedures to scientists. He is the God of the day and also of the night. He is with us not only when we are on top of the mountain, but also in the valley. Let us not lose faith in the Almighty God. Let us bow before Him.

Kindly listen to this song:

