Why Creation at ALL?

Why Creation at All?
Again take a look at the man. This time take a wealthy and noble man. How does he find the purpose of his existence? Normally, he enters into philanthropic and charity works to find a purpose in his life.
Imagine a God
– Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent existing alone.

Bible points out that God created all things for His pleasure. In other words, God found a purpose through His creation. Bible says that God created all things, He found it good and it was made for His pleasure.

Bible says, “For our God is a consuming fire” (Heb 12:29).

God had all energy that required for converting into the matter and for everything that was created. In God’s presence perhaps only spiritual beings could survive in that environment (Fig.1).

Fig 1.
Omnipotent-all powerful-creator of all, with His energy omnipresence-present everywhere omniscient-knows everything.